
“If I can’t have you, nobody can,”

the radiator man said in a not

altogether convincing tone

so he pulled a gun

to demonstrate

his sincerity

If things start to drag bring in a man with a gun.

The audience won’t know why he’s there

but they’ll be glad he showed up.

Once the gun shows up so

does the invitation to see

some killing done

They won’t arrest you for wanting to watch killing

killing has good clothes and powerful friends

killing has a resume, cirriculum vitae ...

tons of medals over his heart drag him down to his left

he overcompensates and pulls to the right

fearful of that all consuming weight

“what if you freeze that way?”

his mother asks

this just pisses him off and he shoots her

other men with other guns arrive

"Move along folks, nothing

to see here."

Maybe they’ll arrest you for wanting to watch

women having sex with swordfish

they may come to take you away

along with your hard drive ...

you'd best be on the lam

to Finland

Posted: Wed - June 25, 2008 at 12:28 PM